Financial Freedom

"...there are enough people telling you what the problem is, but what is the best solution?"



Money Fundamentals

"The Money Masters is a 1996 documentary film produced by attorney Patrick S. J. Carmack and directed and narrated by William T. Still.


It discusses the concepts of money, debt and taxes, and describes their development from biblical times onward.

It covers the history of fractional-reserve banking, central banking, monetary policy,the bond market, and the Federal Reserve System in the United States."


"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.”

— Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England (appointed 1928).Thought to be the second wealthiest man in England at that time.

Good News!



The basics, the fundamentals, the foundation, that is what we focus on here, the root principles.

Mastering these will take longer to yield visible results — just as the foundation of a house or the roots of a tree are hidden —however, once the house’s foundation is built, and the roots of the tree has grown, it becomes almost indestructible and growth is exponential.


People often say that the only things guaranteed in this life are taxes and death, yet the things people consider to be the most fundamental are not taught at any stage of life, not by parents, not in school, and unless you specialize or do it yourself, not by anyone.


In society money touches almost — if not— everything, and taxes are a part of that, however, in this short article, we will only focus on the one fundamental requirement needed for us to open the floodgates and allow money to flow into our lives, and in the future, Allah (I left the Arabic word untranslated, however, most translate Allah to ‘God’) willing, we will publish detailed works on financial freedom, money, taxes, usury and interest, and more.



Our beliefs around money are shaped in our upbringing by our family and society, and we are instructed to make ‘salihat’ (Arabic for: righteous deeds, or good works, from the root meaning ‘to fix or put something back to its original pure state or condition’) on our beliefs by Allah, meaning, to fix and heal our subconscious deep rooted societal conditioning and programming, to make our hearts right, whole, one, and reflect integrity with our being, orienting our entire being towards the Deen (Arabic for: ‘doctrine’, meaning that which we base our life actions upon) of Allah.


When it comes to finances, we must do the same, we must know what our true beliefs about money are and if they are inline with what Allah wants from us.


If this is not done, then our case becomes like the lottery winner or athlete who can gets hundreds of millions but lose it all in a matter of years.


Money is not evil nor is it the answer to all problems, it is — however — one of the most useful tools to ever exist for both good works and for corruption. Money amplifies intention. This is why it is one of the fundamental ways Allah tests us (sex, power, and loss of life, are some other major ways we are tested) to expose our true character and if we have integrity (meaning, if our beliefs that we claim we hold are truly inline with our actions and inline with the principles  behind Allah's laws).


Money is an abstract idea used a means of exchange. If we want to buy a few eggs, for example, without having to know the value of an egg compared to every other thing that exists, such as one egg compared to the amount of wood, the amount of milk, etc., in order to make that exchange, we can do so by only having to know the value of the egg compared to one thing, the money, it makes life so much easier.

This money then, due to being accepted by everyone, can be used to exponentially grow things in terms of building, etc. and is the leading cause to most modern invention.


Now, in order to keep money sound and not be used to corrupt the earth we must use this tool correctly.

The fundamental requirement to get the blessing of Allah for financial freedom and abundance (and not simply to get a lot of money from Allah as a means of denial, meaning, a way to punish us in this life and the next) is that our money has to be interest (usury) free.


Let us define ‘usury’:


‘Usury’ in simple terms is when a lender lends money and asks for more in return than what they lent.


Why is this such an issue?


Well, again, in simple terms, if the rich have the money, and the poor need money, the rich can lend them money and make profit, while risking nothing themselves, and make the poor even worse off than before, due to the interest payments. The rich become richer while the poor become poorer and enslaved through debt in this way.


This topic when studied further exposes that on a macro scale entire nations are enslaved by this system.


Now, any bit of research will tell you that the entire financial system is based on interest. Even Islamic banking is apart of this interest and debt based money system.


However, there are enough people telling you what the problem is, but what is the best solution?


The Immediate Solution



We can think of the ideal solution for the long term, however, at this moment, we want to become financial free as soon as possible. So that is what we will focus on.


In the short term, you and I can start selling, buying, investing, and donating to eachother using interest free means of exchange. This, Allah willing, will open up the financial flood gates for us.


Here is how we do it:


1. We use Monero — a digital decentralized privacy and freedom focused crypto-currency, in fact, monero is what most people think Bitcoin is—for our transactions online with each other.


We can ease into switching entirely into non-interest based money by drawing in new people and customers into our ecosystem through offering our products and services cheaper if they pay in monero, gold, or silver.



Why Monero?



It does not have to be Monero, however, it is the best alternative I have found so far due to these reasons:


1. It is not based on interest or debt.


2. It is private and untraceable, your transactions and your money is not known to anyone but you, similar to cash or physical coins.


3. It is safe (freedom is dangerous, however, Monero is safer than other crypto coins) and has inherent value.

Due to the privacy aspect, you are removed from the prying eyes of predators.

It is valuable inherently due to being unstoppable and uncontrollable by any government body or organization. Due to being untraceable a Monero coin holds its value (the energy it took to mine and the gap it fills in the market, namely a privacy, untraceable, and freedom coin). A coin that has been in the hands of someone that is considered “undesirable” by people will not lose any value, as a Bitcoin would for example, because this information is unknown.

It is also one of the biggest crypto-currencies in the market.


4. It is fungible, meaning that like gold, or any functioning currency, 1 unit is the same as another 1 unit, for example, 1 dollar bill is always equal to another 1 dollar bill.


5. It is easy to use and one of the only crypto-currencies actually used online for buying and selling. We can send it all over the world quick and easy.


6. It is the least harmful crypto-currency to the environment because the hardware required to mine this coin is already used by most people in technologically developed nations (personal computers).



7. Anyone with a computer can mine this coin, unlike bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, making it truly decentralized.


Now, If we find better short term solutions we will turn to those instead, in the mean time, we must DO SOMETHING.


NOTE: Crypto-currencies in general are volatile and why it is best used only for transactions, such as buying, selling, investing, and donating. Store your money in gold or silver if you want to eliminate most risk, and do not keep your crypto-currency in exchanges, keep them in your wallets.






Here is How Monero Works:



1. You must create a wallet. This wallet will have an address (‘public address’) that people can send money to, and this wallet will also have a ‘private spend key’ (the mnemonic seed phrase you will get once you make your wallet is basically a representation of that private spend key in words) which allows you to use your wallet to send others money.


I recommend to use the official Monero Wallet called 'Monero GUI Wallet', which is the one I use:


Here is the official download page:


Here is a short video showing you step by step how to download, understand, and start using monero and your wallet in just a few minutes:


There are many wallets out there you can research, each with their pros and cons.



2. You can start using the money like any other through your digital wallet.


To convert your crypto-currency into regular currency for when your payments do not accept Monero, such as food shopping or paying rent, you can start buying and selling Monero anonymously directly with one another, whether online or offline, or on a “peer-to-peer” exchange such as LocalMonero.


Here is their official website:


Another exchange that is less private than LocalMonero but which is very easy to use is ChangeNow crypto exchange.


Here is their official website:



3. You can use crypto payment gateways to accept Monero payments for your business just like you would for interest based money, I use NowPayments for example, although depending on your country you may not be able to use the one I am using.



Here is their official website:


Here are some videos to get you started:



The Immediate Solution (Continued):



2. We use gold and silver as money offline, if we do not want to use Monero.


3. We store our money in gold, silver, and investments that are not aiding or are a part of this interest based money system as best as we can. A possible example can be:


Article Written By Ahmad 'abd al Ra'oof


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